Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I still get excited about Halloween, even though every year ends up being as lame as the last. Alas, I have hope. So naturally I've been thinking about what to be for the past month. My requirements are a) lots of brightly colored make-up and b) cheap. Here are a few of my past costumes, all of which are pretty uninspired.

My first year in New York we went all out to show my Swedish friend what Halloween was like. That meant a fake eyelashes and a schlep to Chinatown to get dry ice.
Two years ago I was a fortune teller because I wanted an excuse to buy a vintage velvet turban. Note my also recycling my token Halloween costume hand gesture.
This was probably my most last-minute costume, if you couldn't tell. I'm wearing my pilot hat from when I did a report on Amelia Earhart in 6th grade and I wrote "Ron Weasley" on one of Jon's undershirts. Voila.

This year I've been brainstorming. I'm deciding between:

1) Cherish (a.k.a. Alicia Witt) from "Cecil B. Demented," one of the many masterpieces by John Waters, director of Rocky Horror Picture Show and thus a natural pick for a Halloween costume. Pros: red hair dye, eye shadow, Sinema, badass anti-Hollywood terrorism. Cons: It might be too cold for fishnets.

2) A witch. I know, the epitome of Uninspired Halloween Costume. But also an excuse to buy so much good stuff. Pros: black everything, as much make-up as I want, I pretty much have everything I need (except for more make-up), tumblr-ific. Cons: boring. lame. unoriginal. etc.

Vogue Paris. Thanks, "witchy" Google search.

3) An owl. I think I'd just be a really cute owl. Pros: Major DIY fun. Cons: Okay, I already know I won't be an owl. Nevermind.

Well, clearly I could use some more ideas. Anyone?

P.S. My predictions for what EVERYONE is going to be this year: Grimes and any of the characters from Twin Peaks (not that any of those wouldn't be really fun).