Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to School

I may not be able to pay for grad school, but that isn't going to stop me from back-to-school shopping.

Check out the treasury here.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Vacation, or Poor Excuses for Lazy Blogging

Admittedly I just got over the whole blogging thing for a while. I've mostly been working and doing last-minute loan applications for grad school. But I did have 10 solid days of minimal internet access, let alone any mental capacity to do anything besides sleep. I think we can fairly say that extends to the past week as well, after arriving back from Israel with a limp and quite possibly a parasite.

That is not to say it was not awesome, because it was. It's just that the Birthright trip aims to get as much of the country in as possible, which means waking up at 3 a.m. to hike Masada followed by a delightful hike through the desert and finally the Dead Sea before going to bed at, say, midnight, and waking up again at 6:30 a.m. Nevertheless, it was worth it, and politics aside (although I feel much more knowledgeable and understanding of the country's predicament/existence), Israel is an absolutely beautiful country.


Now that I'm back, instead of writing poetry (which I should probably be doing, considering I'm wasting thousands of dollars to go to school for poetry), I've been getting that crafting itch, so the shop is up and running. Expect new additions in the next few weeks, and maybe some semi-regular blogging (wishful thinking?)