Monday, September 9, 2013

Writer's Block + Linoleum Blocks

I recently took a linocutting class at the Brooklyn Brainery and am now obsessed. This means that along with night classes my schedule has pretty much been: stay up till 2 a.m. writing poetry and linocutting, sleep till noon, write more, print more. This also means I've been posting new stuff to the Etsy shop! Expect a whole slew of cards and notebooks and whatever else I find around that I can print on. I'm thinking my next experiment will be leggings...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to School

I may not be able to pay for grad school, but that isn't going to stop me from back-to-school shopping.

Check out the treasury here.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Vacation, or Poor Excuses for Lazy Blogging

Admittedly I just got over the whole blogging thing for a while. I've mostly been working and doing last-minute loan applications for grad school. But I did have 10 solid days of minimal internet access, let alone any mental capacity to do anything besides sleep. I think we can fairly say that extends to the past week as well, after arriving back from Israel with a limp and quite possibly a parasite.

That is not to say it was not awesome, because it was. It's just that the Birthright trip aims to get as much of the country in as possible, which means waking up at 3 a.m. to hike Masada followed by a delightful hike through the desert and finally the Dead Sea before going to bed at, say, midnight, and waking up again at 6:30 a.m. Nevertheless, it was worth it, and politics aside (although I feel much more knowledgeable and understanding of the country's predicament/existence), Israel is an absolutely beautiful country.


Now that I'm back, instead of writing poetry (which I should probably be doing, considering I'm wasting thousands of dollars to go to school for poetry), I've been getting that crafting itch, so the shop is up and running. Expect new additions in the next few weeks, and maybe some semi-regular blogging (wishful thinking?)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Daisy Crazy

I haven't been able to get this J. Crew Collection Embroidered Daisy Top out of my mind, and since I'm all about the possibly premature return of 90's fashion, I've decided to take matters into my own hands.

This is literally the easiest DIY ever, which is perfect for people who, like me, are incredibly impatient.

1) Order some cute vintage daisy appliques on Ebay, like these, these, or these.
2) Steal a Kirkland-brand white t-shirt from your boyfriend. (May need cutting/sleeve folding for proper fit)
3) Lay out the appliques where you want them on the shirt. Then whip out the fabric glue.

Now you know how to put daisies on anything ever, which I plan on doing! A sneak peak of my next daisy-centric project from Opening Ceremony's Instagram:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Shit, Shit, Shit, And More Shit

I first found out about David Shrigley when a friend gave me his book Err for my 22nd birthday. I am a sucker for anything wreaking sass, so it was love at first sight.

From Err

David Shrigley is easy. His messages are entertaining and accessible and cool-looking. He's raw and honest. A+.

Untitled, 1998, at the Tate
"How Are You Feeling?", 2012, on the High Line billboard. Via.

Aspen Ski Passes

His exhibition Signs epitomizes his work in the best way possible: with a nod to Saussure's study of semiotics and the most fundamental way in which language functions (that we so often forget). What I mean is, a giant gong that says "gong" on it. Taken to the next level, a taxidermied dog holding a sign that says "I'm Dead." Sign, signifer, signified.

"Gong," 2012, at Anton Kern Gallery

"I'm Dead," 2011, at Anton Kern Gallery

"Backwards Burgers", 2013, at Anton Kern Gallery

"Words (2)", 2012, at Anton Kern Gallery
"Cat (It's OK, It's Not OK)", 2012, at Anton Kern Gallery

"Shit Shit Shit and More Shit", 2012, at Anton Kern Gallery

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hi, Mom

This post is a tribute to my favorite shopping buddy, and not just because she pays for everything, mi madre. Over Christmas she tried to find me the perfect down winter coat that would actually be warm enough and that I would also not be too vain to wear in New York City, to no avail. And here is what would have been the winning combination of puffy and stylish, the Marios Puffer Jacket from No. 6.

And even though winter is nearing its end, it's still cold outside, so I just bought the second best option, this 80's Down Jacket from sparv in the iele tree on Etsy.

And by I bought I mean my mom/dad bought me this (thanks guys!) because winter coats are their territory (i.e. practical, even if I am incessantly impractical in choosing them).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Be My Valentine

Vintage Valentine's Day cards have the most ridiculous puns, some of which cross the WTF line. Images via Google Images, in order from cheesiest to creepiest (and most rape-y and most racist).

Friday, February 8, 2013

Want: Otaat

These Otaat Party Hats are made of leather. If I was rich and famous I would have them for all my guests at all my birthday parties.