Friday, February 22, 2013

Shit, Shit, Shit, And More Shit

I first found out about David Shrigley when a friend gave me his book Err for my 22nd birthday. I am a sucker for anything wreaking sass, so it was love at first sight.

From Err

David Shrigley is easy. His messages are entertaining and accessible and cool-looking. He's raw and honest. A+.

Untitled, 1998, at the Tate
"How Are You Feeling?", 2012, on the High Line billboard. Via.

Aspen Ski Passes

His exhibition Signs epitomizes his work in the best way possible: with a nod to Saussure's study of semiotics and the most fundamental way in which language functions (that we so often forget). What I mean is, a giant gong that says "gong" on it. Taken to the next level, a taxidermied dog holding a sign that says "I'm Dead." Sign, signifer, signified.

"Gong," 2012, at Anton Kern Gallery

"I'm Dead," 2011, at Anton Kern Gallery

"Backwards Burgers", 2013, at Anton Kern Gallery

"Words (2)", 2012, at Anton Kern Gallery
"Cat (It's OK, It's Not OK)", 2012, at Anton Kern Gallery

"Shit Shit Shit and More Shit", 2012, at Anton Kern Gallery

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