Friday, January 25, 2013

Snuggly Bears

Been thinking about snuggling lately because it's been so cold! We've been spoiled all winter until now, which makes it even more unbearable. 

Life of late: 1) started a new job at a bakery, so at least I get free coffee and tea and hot chocolate. 2) been having a strong urge to dye my hair, which may be symptomatic of some unidentified anxiety. Still figuring that one out.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mixed Media

Mimi Jung is the creative force behind Brook&Lyn, which I've talked about before here. She's been weaving these insanely gorgeous wall hangings. Absolute inspiration, especially these ones that include pieces of palm tree bark. Follow her  Instagram to see more of her projects.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 2013

I have a hard time assessing how an entire year was, but I think I'd have to go with pretty great, on a solely personal level, of course. Here's to hoping in 2013. This was the best New Years Eve I've had in a while, so it seems I'm off to a pretty good start. Now to get going on those resolutions.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Speaking of Sweaters

This tulle-covered sweater skirt might be the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Most amazing texture & silhouette.

Simone Rocha Layered Wool and Tulle Mini Skirt. Images via Style Bubble

Want: Gudron & Gudron

Gudron & Gudron makes me want every article of clothing I own to be made out of sweater. Not that I didn't want that before. Sweaters are by far my favorite thing to buy and wear. My mom got me the best sweaters for Christmas and I've been wearing them every day since. But you can never have too many sweaters...

Via the Gudron & Gudron blog
Via Honey Kennedy
Via the Gundron & Gudron blog
Via the Gundron & Gudron blog
Via the Gundron & Gudron blog