Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Life of Late: From Unemployed to Overemployed

I have somehow managed to go from scraping by and wallowing in self-pity to having too many jobs. Not that I'm complaining, but I have been extraordinarily busy. I've hopped on the barista bandwagon and am working at Beny's Delice in Fort Greene. So far it's going well and no one has complained that their cappuccino is actually a latte, yet.

I'm also working on a couple freelancing projects, and I hope to keep doing more. Luckily one of them--a gig at Paper & String--might turn into a full-time job (fingers crossed)! Paper & String sends out weekly newsletters about different neighborhoods in New York, so sign up for your favorites. I'm going to start writing the Williamsburg newsletter, so any suggestions about your favorite Williamsburg spots and events would be greatly appreciated.

I'm also working on an article about urban farming for The Park Slope Reader, which has been rather fascinating, so check back for a link to that once it's done. Until then, wish me luck making it through the week without any days off.

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