Monday, August 13, 2012

Gina, My Jewel

The best part about Colorado is getting to see my best friend Gina! She is my sanity. When I'm in Colorado I practically spend every second with her. I'm really lucky to have such a good friend--one thing I've learned in college and after is that a lot of people don't know how to be a good friend or even how to have one. I'm so grateful to have Gina in my life.

In honor of our amazing friendship we bought matching friendship salt shakers at an antique store. We share a mutual love for tomatoes with salt, Gina perhaps a little more so than I, so they are perfect. Except that the receipt read "pumpkin salt shakers," which is why we documented them next to this twin tomato from the farmer's market in Golden. Proof that they're totally tomatoes.

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