Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Housewarming

Plenty of Off and citronella candles to keep the mosquitoes away.

Adding some religious iconography to reinforce the graveyard theme of our backyard.

Baby Jesus sleeping in the plants.

Jon chilling in the backyard.

An off-color request for privacy on our bathroom window.

Starting to make my room pretty.

My llama from my bff Gina chilling on my bookshelf.

Jon tending to his chives.
Housewarming etsy presents to myself.

 Another etsy treasury dedicated to things I want for my new apartment! We're finally starting to get settled, but we still need a few more personal touches to really make the place ours. The good news is I can finally get back to making things for the shop, so expect new items in the near future!

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