Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Some of My Favorite Etsy Purchases

These are just a few of my favorite purchases from etsy. I've been buying things on etsy for years, so I've also had some purchases gone horribly wrong (read: shoes with soles secretly made out of styrofoam). But these are some real gems, including a vintage dress I bought probably five years ago that I still wear:

Papier-mache bowl from etco.

Brown woven leather brogues from streeturchinvintage (with some Caffe-Reggio-green paint I got on them).

Vintage binocular case (seller no longer exists) and vintage sunglasses from American Deadstock.

Velvet chunky heels from kaleidsocopevision.

One of my favorite floral vintage dresses that I bought so long ago on an old account I don't even know what shop I got it from. 

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