Monday, June 4, 2012

A Little Slice of Bed-Stuy Paradise

I spent this past weekend moving into my new apartment! We don't have internet yet, so excuse me being a little MIA. I've also been super busy unpacking and organizing. Saturday I went on an all-day IKEA excursion and I'm pretty sure I've been to Home Depot at least five times this past week. But it's finally coming together, especially our beautiful garden! It may not look like much, but trust me, this is prime real-estate in Bed-Stuy.

Post-weeding cigarette break.

Clover torso.
We decided our backyard is graveyard-themed.

Sunny spot in the corner for the tomatoes and herbs.
We're making more additions to the garden daily. Next step: an awesome grill and some more chairs, and then we'll be all set to have a backyard barbecue!

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