Monday, November 19, 2012

Alfred Hitchcock

I've been on a Hitchcock kick ever since Halloween when I watched Psycho (the 1998 version with Vince Vaughn, but still), and then Dial M for Murder (the original with Grace Kelly), both of which were paradigms of my ideal horror flick--engrossing, suspenseful, and hilarious (because Hitchcock).

I was watching Alfred Hitchcock Presents on Netflix (it's a million mini Hitchcock movies!) when my roommate told me this is happening. I usually don't get excited about a movie coming out, but this (as is Gatsby, of course) is an exception. As great as Anthony Hopkins is, he's not as adorable as Hitchcock, but the movie looks fabulous and fascinating all at once--it reminds me of Capote. I've also been on a biography kick, so this is exactly my cup of proverbial tea.

Cary Grant in North by Northwest
The famous Psycho shower scene

Grace Kelly about to be strangled in Dial M for Murder

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