Monday, November 26, 2012

Washington D.C.

After Thanksgiving, I went on a mini-vacation to Washington D.C. It was great to get out of the city for a bit. D.C. is a freakishly clean city--we only saw like one pigeon and one piece of trash on the street. Aside from admiring its pristine-ness, we made a sad attempt at fulfilling our patriotic duty by seeing all the monuments, but we only made it as far as the White House. We could see the Washington Monument in the distance more than once, though.

We did visit the National Portrait Gallery and the 40 Under 40 exhibition at the Renwick Gallery, both of which were AMAZING. I have never more thoroughly enjoyed a museum than these two. The other highlight of the trip was dancing to live jazz at the Eighteenth Street Lounge. Definitely the best night I've had in a long time.

Even the bus ride was a blast.

One of many statues in parks.

Still in the dancing mood after meeting a new friend with a lovely apartment.

Walt Whitman in the Modern Poets exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery.

The State Department Building or something like that.

Jeffrey Clancy, Tea for One, 2002

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