Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Ladies of South 4th Street

I finally went to another Our Ladies of South 4th Street show (after like a year). Two brilliant girls, Rachel and Sophia, started Our Ladies last summer to show free awesome art out of their South Williamsburg home. You can find out more about them here.

I was especially blown away by Olivia Oppedisano, who sang original songs (as well as Lady Gaga) and was magical, and Janet Glazier, who wrote a hilarious and moving play (the first act of which was read by Josh Brechner, Carolyn Cox, Joelle Golda, and Drigan Lee).

Definitely planning on going to every show from now on! Added bonus of this month's show: all proceeds from drink sales went to Sandy relief! Further proof of Our Ladies' awesomeness.

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