Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I Do Not Deal Well With Humidity

This aforementioned lovely weekend turned out to be even more lovely and the perfect start to summer. I even made strawberry lemonade with chocolate mint from my boyfriend's garden and went to Far Rockaway Beach.

But as excited as I am for summer, I have to face the dank reality that a good chunk of it will be spent completely idle in front of the window unit. Summer in New York means two things: a ton of awesome shit to do, like free concerts and rooftop barbecues, and heat waves so foul you feel like you're living in a never-ending and rancid exhale.

I am from Colorado, where there is zero humidity to speak of and ninety degrees is not only tolerable but temporary: as soon as the sun goes down it cools down. In New York standing in the shade is as refreshing as bathing in a tub of sweat. My brow sweat alone could fill this hypothetical tub over the course of a day.

So to ward off the impending misery I made an etsy treasury full of heat-defying summer fun.

I for one am definitely getting myself a wooden fan, an idea I picked up in Paris, where the metro is not air-conditioned. It is also full of people who do not wear deoderant. I will take rats and crazy people over B.O. any day. Not that New York public transit is lacking in B.O., but believe me when I regretfully inform you that the stereotype of the French is true (at least in the summer).

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