Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Stuff in the Shop + 10% Off Because LONG WEEKENDI

I'm really into decoupaging so I put some magazine scraps to use and decoupaged this framed mirror! Now you can look at your beautiful face and a beautiful mirror at the same time.

Found this vintage cat face ashtray and couldn't resist. This says tumblr all over it.

I painted a polka dot planter! If I had another succulent I would put it in this.
Then I ate some toast with apricot jam and homemade ricotta. Yummmm.

So far I'm having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend: tanned on the roof and drank coffee until I could no longer bear the humidity, scored some skirts at the Salvation Army, did some little projects for the etsy shop, and drank blood orange lemonade. Tonight I'm going to see The Babies in Williamsburg. I have no idea who they are but my friend has good taste in music so I gladly accompany her to random shows.

To make your weekend happy: use coupon code LongWeekend in the shop and get 10% off through Monday! Hooray!

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