Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Bushwick

I am currently in the nightmarish process of moving, which in Brooklyn includes lying landlords and fourth floor walk-ups. After a month now of dealing with surprise bullshit every couple of days, finally all that's left is the physical moving of crap into our new apartment. Needless to say, I am stoked for summer.

This is my friend's apartment where I was supposed to be moving, until the asshole landlord decided not to let us move in for some unknown reason.

My boyfriend barbecuing on the roof last summer.

Thankfully however a summer of rooftop barbecues will now be a summer of backyard barbecues, because our new apartment has a beautiful backyard full of flower beds for my boyfriend's babies (a.k.a the more than a dozen vegetables growing in pots on our current roof) and not to mention an ARCH OF PINK ROSES. Expect pictures post-move-in, and lots of them.

For now I can definitely say I won't be missing our current place in Bushwick. The apartment itself is super nice, but the neighborhood is desolate. The closest restaurant is McDonald's a few blocks away. Our block consists of a junkyard and the abandoned Pfizer factory. I'm pretty sure the junkyard dog eats the stray cats because I hear them crying in fear in the middle of the night, probably after mistakenly chasing all the juicy rats into the junkyard.

Live poultry market in Bushwick

View of the abandoned Pfizer factory from my window

View from the bedroom window, with the Empire State building in the fog

Not that the neighborhood is completely bereft of charm in the broken-down building sort of way. We could even buy a chicken and watch them kill it for us if we so desired. The new apartment is much closer to bars (top priority) and other necessary amenities. It's technically in Bed-Stuy, but as with many of my decisions cheapness outweighs quality so we're willing to brave the possibility of muggings to pay $500/month in rent.

Assuming my safety is in no way threatened, I'm planning on taking a good chunk of the summer to focus entirely on the etsy shop, so expect new products and hopefully a much-needed make over for this hideous blog. More things to be excited about this summer!

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