Thursday, May 17, 2012

TMI --or-- Coming Out to the Internet

After many years of being stubbornly weirded out about being public on the internet, I'm going to make up for lost time and establish my internet persona. And I figured what is more personal than sharing all the photos I take of myself when I'm alone with my macbook and its magical always-makes-me-look-good camera?

Let's start with a particularly long photobooth session for which I even did my hair and make up:

 This is me figuring out how to work the computer despite having done this a zillion times. 

 This is me drinking coffee.

 This is me looking sassy and sticking out my collar bone for that extra hotness factor. 

 This is me convincing myself how cute I am. 

 This is me convincing myself how hot I am (note the downward head tilt and skinny arm angle techniques).
 This is me finally getting bored of wasting my Saturday but not getting bored of looking at myself.

 This is me being bored at work.

This is me if I was possessed by a demon.

 This is me after my first experience with hair dying and finding out that lilac hair dye only lasts two days, while bleach lasts forever.

This is me after eating candy, which I do often.

 This is me if I was a mutant.

 This is me between fever dreams when I had the flu.

Wow, my first foray into the public realm of the internet! It's kind of a relief. As much as I cherish my anonymity, and although I will NEVER post a comment on youtube, I am officially (willingly) one of the millions of faces on the internet. I know you guys are all like um where were you when there was myspace, but consider me a late bloomer and these my equivalent of fifteen-year-old half-naked pics on 4chan.

For better or for worse, HERE IS MY FACE.

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